49 North Resources Inc.

Stock Quote & Chart

Symbol FNR.V
Last $0.030
Volume 154,310
Change -14.285716
Market Capitalization $4,988,130
Day Low $0.030
Day High $0.030
Year Low $0.020
Year High $0.040
Time Stamp May Wed, 2024 7:55 pm

Share Structure

As of December 1, 2022
Class and Series of Securities Number or Principal Amount
Common Shares 166,271,110
2.5% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures, Series 1 $2,738,523
2.5% Senior Secured Convertible Debentures, Series 2 $1,819,537
2.5% Subordinated Secured Convertible Debentures $880,083
First Preferred Series 1 shares 2,662,311
First Preferred Series 2 shares 674,781
Warrants 83,119,155
Options 14,250,000
Fully Diluted 281,217,805

*All Debentures and Preferred Series convert at $0.50 cents per share.